Cow Harbor Day Weekend 9/17/2016 – 9/18/2016
Northport celebrates "Cow Harbor Weekend" 9/17 and 9/18. One of the top 100 races in the USA - according to Runner's World - The Great Cow Harbor 10K is Saturday 9/17/16. Conveniently, the finish line is literally steps away from [...]
September 2016 Bands and Events
In addition to the listed events, September 17th is the Cow Harbor 10K race and Sunday the 18th is Cow Harbor Day. Don't miss all the fun and games - conveniently, the finish line of the race is right near [...]
August 2016 Bands and Events
Ahh... the dog days of summer are here --- great line-up coming up the next few weeks. Enjoy you guys ... talk soon. Prosit!
July 2016 Gunther’s Bands and Events
Hey you guys -- Great lineup this month -- don't forget Northport Party Nights - with car and bike show Tuesday nights, last two Tuesdays in July and first two Tuesdays in August. See you soon ---
May 2016 Events and Band Schedule
Some really good stuff this month, "Fresh Squeezed Lemonade" on the 13th, the return of Ted Williams and the Memorial Day Weekend Party at the end of the month are some of the highlights. I'm leaving town for a week [...]